- Info
“Properties of minimizers that are not also relaxed minimizers ” Michele Palladino, ESR, Imperial College London
“An accelerated semi-Lagrangian/policy iteration scheme for the solution of dynamic programming equations” Dante Kalise
“Numerical Schemes for Hamilton-Jacobi Bellman equations” Smita Sahu, ESR, University of Rome La Sapienza
“A decomposition technique for pursuit evasion games with many pursuers ” Adriano Festa, ER, Imperial College London
“New approach for stochastic target problems with state constraints” Athena Picarelli, ESR, Inria & Ensta ParisTech
“Singular Perturbations in Deterministic and Stochastic Control ” Joao Meireles, ESR, University of Padova
“Asymptotic Behavior of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation and Infinite Horizon Problem” Nguyen Ngoc Quoc Thuong, ESR, University of Rome La Sapienza
“Infinite Horizon Problems on Stratifiable State Constraints Sets” Cristopher Hermosilla, ESR, Ensta ParisTech & Inria
“On The Differentiability Of Minimum Time Function For Linear Control Systems” Nguyen Van Luong, ESR, University of Padova
“Localy input-to-state stable Lyapunov function constructed by linear programming” Huijuan Li, ESR, University of Würzburg and University of Bayreuth
“Controllability of parabolic equations: new results and further applications” Roberto Guglielmi, ER, University of Bayreuth
“Mixed constrained control in the framework of differential inclusions” Igor Kornienko, ESR, University of Porto
“Free time optimal control problems with time delays” Andrea Boccia, ESR, Imperial College London
“Sensitivity-based multistep feedback MPC” Vryan Gil Palma, ESR, University of Bayreuth
“Stability of Economic NMPC for Periodic Systems” Mario Zanon, ESR, KU Leuven
“Local regularity of the value function of Mayer's problem with differential inclusions” Teresa Scarinci, Università Tor Vergata di Roma
"Predictive cruise control w/ and w/out coasting a dynamic programming optimization", Giovanni Cornetti, BOSCH