
Teresa Scarinci

Teresa is an Italian ESR fellow recruited by Inria. She is working on Sensitivity relations, optimality conditions and regularity for differential inclusion problems

 Teresa Scarinci.jpg Teresa Scarinci - INRIA



    • SADCO project: Sensitivity relations, optimality conditions and regularity for differential inclusion problems

    This project concerns, first, the study of sensitivity relations. In the literature, sensitivity relations take the form of inclusions of the dual arcs, featuring in the Pontryagin maximum principle, and the Hamiltonian into suitable gradients of the value function, evaluated along optimal trajectories. For the Mayer problem, sensitivity relations were obtained for parameterized control systems in the case of the Fréchet superdifferential. In some sense, these inclusions can be viewed, among other things, as the backward propagation of the superdifferentiability of the value function along optimal trajectories.

    In this project, the main goal is to recover proximal and Frèchet sensitivity relations for nonparameterized Mayer problems. In our case, the dynamic of the system is described by a differential inclusion, instead of a control system. These two approaches are not equivalent in general, since the existence of a smooth parameterization of a given multifunction is still an open problem. 

    Furthermore, as application of the new sensitivity relations, both sufficient and necessary conditions for optimality will be investigated. We will also study the proximal and Frèchet subdifferentiability of the value function along optimal trajectories, which propagates in a reverse time direction with respect to the superdifferentiability. Advances in this topic can be expected to have important consequences for the regularity of the value function.


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