Second industrial workshop, 2-3 February 2012, Stuttgart
The second SADCO industrial workshop will be organised by Astos Solutions on 2-3 February 2012 in Stuttgart. Talks by experts and industry representatives will be made complete by tutorials and an ASTOS/WORHP software training session.
On the 2nd industrial SADCO workshop at Astos Solutions premises, the participants will be introduced to industrial optimal control problems and state-of-the-art NLP solvers and transcription methods. This workshop aims at fostering application-driven research in the field of optimal control and non-linear programming.
Organizer and invited speakers
- Organizer: Sven Weikert, Astos Solutions
- Confirmed speakers:
- John T. Betts (Optimal control of partial differential equations with delay)
- C. Büskens, Universität Bremen (Industrial applications of NLP methods)
- S. Schäff, Astos Solutions (Large scale optimal control problems)
- M. Gerdts, Universität der Bundeswehr München (Trajectory planning and collision detection for robotics applications)
- F. Cremaschi, Astos Solutions (Multi-mission vehicle design optimization)
- P. Martinon, Inria & CMAP (BOCOP - An open source toolbox for optimal control)
- S. Rauski, Astos Solutions & Universität Bremen
- I. Xausa, Volkswagen (Collision avoidance by optimal control techniques)
- A. Kozma, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Distributed Multiple Shooting)
- L. Pfeiffer, Inria Saclay & Ecole Polytechnique (Sensitivity analysis for the outages of nuclear power plants)
- F. Silva, Rome - La Sapienza (A numerical scheme for mean-field games)
Agenda & Workshop presentations
The first day will be dedicated to talks by experts and industry representatives as well as by young researchers working on NLP methods problems in the afternoon. The second day will be entirely devoted to tutorials and training. In the morning a tutorial on applied optimal control using ASTOS and the WORHP NLP solver will be organised. In the afternoon participants will take part in a hands-on optimal control software training session.
To consult the detailed agenda and the workshop presentations, please click here.
Location & registration:
The workshop will be held at the Stuttgart Office of Astos Solutions, located in the Aerospace Center of Stuttgart, Gropiusplatz 2, which is part of the Stuttgarter Engineering Park (STEP): Directions.
There is no registration fee for this event.
Registration is closed.
Grant Application:
A limited number of young researchers (PhD students, postdocs) not having a formal connection with the SADCO network will be given the opportunity to attend the industrial workshop and offered a grant to cover travel and/or accommodation.
Applications are closed.
The workshop is co-funded by the European Union under the 7th Framework Programme «FP7-PEOPLE-2010-ITN» Grant agreement number 264735-SADCO.