Workshop "New Perspectives in Optimal Control and Games", Nov. 10-12, 2014, Rome
The workshop will be held at the Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Roma "La Sapienza", on November 10-12 2014.
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Aims and scopes
The goal of the meeting is to illustrate the scientific achievements made by the SADCO fellows and to offer an overview of some emerging topics and recent developments in the area of optimal control for ordinary differential equations. A special emphasis will be given to pde's techniques, Hamilton-Jacobi equations, differential games and singular problems.
This is the final meeting of the project so it is mainly directed to the fellows and to the researchers involved in the SADCO ITN but few other participants can be accepted upon request. If you are NOT belonging to one of the SADCO teams you can apply and you will receive a final answer regarding your participation by September 30.
All the activities will be held at Dipartimento di Matematica, UniversitLà di Roma "La Sapienza".
Organizing and Scientific Committee
- Fabio Ancona (Padova)
- Martino Bardi (Padova)
- Italo Capuzzo Dolcetta (Roma "La Sapienza")
- Maurizio Falcone (Roma "La Sapienza")
- Antonio Siconolfi (Roma "La Sapienza")
Scientific Program
PRESENTATIONS (pdf) (18 Nov. 2014)
PROGRAM (7 Nov. 2014)
BOOK OF ABSTRACTS (20 Oct. 2014)
There will be five invited lectures :
T. Basar (Urbana Champaign)
Stochastic Dynamic Teams and Games with Asymmetric Information
Y. Giga (Tokyo University)
A Level-set Crystalline Mean Curvature Flow
A. Krener (NPS, Monterey)
Speeding Up Model Predictive Control and Model Predictive Regulation
J.M. Lasry (Paris)
MFG and statistical learning
J. Sprekels (WIAS, Berlin)
Optimal control of phase field systems involving dynamic boundary conditions and singular nonlinearities
The program includes several contributions for the teams participating to the ITN Network. Many talks will be given by the fellows finishing their PhD thesis by the end of the project. if you intend to present a talk (25+5 min) please write the authors names and its title in the notes inside the application form (see below) and send a short Latex abstract (max 1 page) to the organizers at before September 15, 2014.
Please use the Latex form which is available through the WEB page.
Views of the Math Department just after its construction in 1935: west side, main entrance, library (right)
Timetable and Organization
Please consult the programme for more details.
-- Program
-- Pdf files of the lectures
-- Workshop abstracts
All the activities will be held at Dipartimento di Matematica, Università Roma "La Sapienza".
A social event (to be defined) will be organized on Tuesday evening,
The architect Giò Ponti (left) and his plans for the Math Department, section (center) and plan (right)
There is no admission fee for this event but you must be registered. Registrations can be done ONLY via WEB. Be aware that the number of participants is limited to 60.
A global view of the Math Department in 1935
Rome is a classic touristic destination so all the air company fly to Rome Fiumicino or Rome Ciampino (low cost) airports.
From both airport there are several ways to come to the campus, mainly a bus service or a train service.
To know more about the train connections Fiumicino-Rome click here.
We have made a pre-booking at special rates for the workshop participants. The hotel list is below, they are all at walking distance from the Math Department inside the campus.
All the hotels give free access to the WiFi.
Please fill the accommodation form before September 10 since we can not guarantee the rooms after that date. *CLOSED*
We will confirm your reservation by September 20.
Participants will be requested to pay for their room on-site.
For a map of Rome click here.
Ateneo Garden Hotel
Via dei Salentini 3 - 00141 Roma
Tel +39 064440042 Fax +39 064453621
Single Room 125.00
Double Room 155.00
All prices include breakfast
Hotel Globus Best Western
119, Viale Ippocrate
00161 - ROME - ITALY
TEL 0039 06 44 57 001
FAX 0039 06 49 41 062
Single/Double Room (Working) 84.00
Single/Double Room (Liberty) 94.00
All prices include breakfast
Hotel Laurentia
Largo degli Osci, 63
same contacts of Ateneo Garden Hotel
Single Room 90.00
Double Room110.00
All prices include breakfast
Views of the main square of the campus with Minerva statue
Important dates
September 10 deadline for the hotel reservation
September 15 deadline for the application and talks proposal
Related links
- The page of the event on the University of Rome website:
- Rome tourist office
- Giò Ponti
- Rationalism in architecture
- La scuola romana
- Museo Marini - Exhibition "Gio Ponti and Richard Ginori: a unique correspondence"
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The workshop is funded by the European Union under the 7th Framework Programme «FP7-PEOPLE-2010-ITN» Grant agreement number 264735-SADCO.