Special session - 10th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, July 7-11 2014, Madrid, Spain.
Special Session 119: Dynamical Systems and Optimal Control
- Organizers
- Cedric M. Campos, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
- Hasnaa Zidani, ENSTA-ParisTech, France
- Subject
The study of dynamical systems, point particles that evolve within a finite or innite dimensional space, has
a long and broad history. In particular, along the late years of the past century, the theory has known a
huge growth thanks to the introduction of new techniques coming from different branches of mathematics:
differential geometry, topology, functional analysis, probability theory and, with the advent of computation,
numerical analysis. In the present modern area, there is a crucial need of finding actual applications of the
theory and further developing it in order to surpass the problems that appear on the go. A common and
natural answer to this need is the control theory and optimization, which helps to shape the systems up to
some extent according to different kinds of requirements, such as physical, economical or environmental. We
therefore easily find in the literature applications of the geometric integration of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian
mechanics to spatial industry, of game theory to economics or biology, of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman
equation to image processing and medicine, etc. In this session we aim to provide a space to discuss recent
theoretical and applied results of dynamical systems with a special attention on optimal control theory.
- Short abstracts of the 3 invited sessions (12 talks)
- Presentations
- Pontraygin's Maximum Principle for some families of PDEs,
Mara Barbero Linan, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
- First Order Necessary Conditions for Optimal Control Problems with State, Control and Mixed Constraints
Andrea Boccia, Imperial College London
- L1-minimization in space mechanics: Old and new
Jean-Baptiste Caillau, University of Burgundy & CNRS
- Geometric and numerical methods in the saturation problem of an ensemble of spin particles
Olivier Cots, Inria Sophia-Antipolis
- Optimal control problems on stratifiable state constraints sets
Cristopher Hermosilla, Inria Saclay & Ensta ParisTech
- Global Optimal Feedbacks for Stochastic Quantized Nonlinear Event Systems
Oliver Junge, TU Munich
- The Tschebychev Scalarization Method for Solving Multi-Objective Optimal Control Problems
Helmut Maurer, University of Münster
- Galerkin variational integrators in optimal control theory
Sina Ober-Blöbaum, University of Paderborn
- Optimal feedback control, first-order PDE systems, and obstacle problems
Pablo Pedregal, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
- Limit Solutions for Systems with Unbounded Controls
Franco Rampazzo, University of Padova