
Mean Field Games. Rome, May 12-13, 2011

Aula di Consiglio, Dipartimento di Matematica, SAPIENZA Università di Roma Piazzale Aldo Moro, 2 - 10185 Roma

Mean field games is a recent branch of game theory which proposes to use the tools of physics inside the classical economic axiomatic, to explain (and not only to describe) social and economic phenomena. This means that the agents are rational and are not regarded as just gas particles,or as robots applying some predetermined behavioral strategy: strategic choices are endogenous in the models as they are in game theory. The applications of this theory cover a wide range of social life and economic problems.
The talks will describe different approaches to the analysis and simulation of mean field games and some related problems.

Y. Achdou (Université Paris 7) 
J.D. Benamou (INRIA) 
M. Bardi (Università di Padova) 
G. Buttazzo (Università di Pisa) 
P.E. Caines (McGill University, Montreal) 
P. Cardaliaguet (CEREMADE, Paris) 
O. Gueant (Université Paris 7) 
P.L. Lions (College de France) 
H. Tembine (SUPELEC, Gif sur Yvette) 
G. Turinici (CEREMADE, Paris) 
F. Santambrogio (Université de Paris-Sud Orsay) 
D. Gomes (Istituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa) 
G. Carlier (CEREMADE, Paris) 
M.T. Wolfram (Wien University)

Fabio Camilli (SAPIENZA, Dipartimento SBAI)) 
Italo Capuzzo Dolcetta (SAPIENZA, Dipartimento di Matematica) 
Maurizio Falcone (SAPIENZA, DIpartimento di Matematica)
The partecipation is free. 
Attendees are kindly requested to fill the registration form before May 5
on the WEB site of the workshop
The workshop is also sponsored by;  GNAMPA- INDAM,  PRIN 2007 "Metodi di viscosità, metrici e di controllo in equazioni alle derivate parziali nonlineari",  Progetto Ateneo SAPIENZA 2009 "Analisi, algoritmi e metodi di calcolo per una classe di equazioni alle derivate parziali nonlineari"
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