PhD positions (36 months)
Salaries and terms of employment will follow the Marie Curie rules of the European commission (36k€/year before taxes, plus mobility allowance, and travel and career exploratory allowances). Substantial funding for participation in conferences and other research and training activities will be also offered. Applications including a full curriculum vitae, and the names and addresses of at least two referees should be sent to Contacts.
Robust control, hybrid systems (Reference: ESR6), EADS Astrium, Paris area
Location: Eads Astrium (Les Mureaux) and Ensta ParisTech (Palaiseau), France. Application deadline: March 15, 2013 ***Provided position***
Differential Games and Robust Nonlinear Controller Design (ESR17) ***provided position***
Location: Imperial College London, UK. Application deadline: December 15, 2011 or until the position is filled
Multiscale optimal control and stochastic problems (Reference: ESR15) ***Provided positions***
Location: University of Padova, Italy. Application deadline: August 31, 2011 (closed)
Feedback controls and optimal trajectories (ESR 14) **** this position has been filled ****
Location (INRIA -Paris). Application deadline: June 30, 2011 ***provided position***
Stability analysis via coupled Hamilton-Jacobi equations (Reference: ESR9) **** this position has been filled ****
Location: University of Bayreuth and/or Würzburg (application deadline: November 30, 2010 or until position filled). *** Provided position ***
Robust nonlinear Model Predictive Control (Reference: ESR10) **** This position has been filled ****
Location: University of Bayreuth (application deadline: November 30, 2010 or until position filled). *** Provided position ***
Asymptotics of Hamilton–Jacobi equations in the stationary ergodic case (ESR16) ***this position has been filled***
Location: Università Degli Studi di Roma - La Sapienza, Italy. Application deadline: May 15, 2011 or until the position is filled.
Numerical schemes for Hamilton-Jacobi equations (Reference ESR5) ***this position has been filled***
Location: Università degli Studi di Roma - La Sapienza - (application deadline: May 15, 2011 or until position filled)
Robust control, hybrid systems (Reference: ESR6) *** this position has been filled ***
Location: Eads Astrium (Les Mureaux, France). Application deadline: November 30, 2010 *** Provided position ***
Pathfollowing methods for parametric control problems with inequality constraints (Reference ESR7)******this position has been filled******
Location: KUL - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven ******Provided Position******
Optimal control approaches to reachability analysis: safety & avoidance (Reference: ESR11) ***this position has been filled***
*** Provided Position *** Within the SADCO project, 1 full PhD position for 3 years is available. The position is supposed to start in 2011. The successful candidate will be employed by Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg, Germany.
Averaging and ergodic optimal control problems (Reference: ESR12) ***This position has been filled***
Location: Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris and Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest. This position has been filled.
Convergence of discrete time games to continuous time games (Reference: ESR8) ***This position has been filled***
Location: Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris. This position has been filled
First order optimality conditions under state constraints (Reference: ESR1) *** this position has been filled ***
Location: University of Porto (Application deadline: November 30, 2010)
Sensitivity of the minimum cost function to parameter perturbations, for state constrained optimal control problems (Reference: ESR2) ***this position has been filled***
Location: Imperial College - London (Application deadline : November 30, 2010).
First and second order Hamilton-Jacobi equations for state-constrained control problems (Reference: ESR3) ****** this position has been filled ******
Location: Inria Saclay - Ile de France (Application deadline : November 30, 2010). *** PROVIDED POSITION ***
Minimum-time functions (Reference: ESR4) *****this position has been filled*****
Location: Università degli Studi di Padova (Application deadline:November 30, 2010). *****Provided position*****
Large scale systems: sensitivity analysis and numerical methods (ESR13) ***this position has been filled***
Within the SADCO project, 1 full PhD position for 3 years is offered by Astos Solutions GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany (see The position is supposed to start as of 1st March 2011.