Satellite events 2012
Workshop "Around Viability Boundaries" Paris, Cluster "Nonsmooth Optimization" - ISMP 2012 Berlin, Workshop "Moving Horizon Estimation and System Identification" - Leuven, "Games and Strategy in Paris", Workshop "Optimal Control, Dynamic Games and Nonlinear Dynamics" - Vienna.
International Workshop "Around Viability Boundaries"/"Aux Frontières de Viabilité", December 12th - 14th 2012, UPMC, Paris
Talks will take place at Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, "Projet Combinatoire & Optimisation", Lane 15-16, 1st floor, Room 101
Cluster on Nonsmooth Optimization, ISMP 2012, Berlin, 20-24 Aug. 2012
A cluster on nonsmooth optimization will be organized on 20-24 August 2012 in the framework of the 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Programming.
OPTEC Workshop on Moving Horizon Estimation and System Identification, 29-30 August 2012, Leuven, Belgium
The aim of this two-day workshop is to bring together researchers from the fields of optimization based estimation and system identification.
Games and Strategy in Paris, 11-13 June 2012
Conference on Game Theory organised in honor of Sylvain Sorin’s 60th birthday, on 11-13 June 2012, in Paris
12th Viennese Workshop on Optimal Control, Dynamic Games and Nonlinear Dynamics 30 May - 2 June 2012, Vienna, Austria
Three minisymposia will be organised in the framework of the Workshop on Optimal Control, Dynamic Games and Nonlinear Dynamics that will be held in Vienna on 30 May - 2 June 2012.