OPTEC Workshop on Moving Horizon Estimation and System Identification, 29-30 August 2012, Leuven, Belgium
The aim of this two-day workshop is to bring together researchers from the fields of optimization based estimation and system identification.
This workshop spans from theory to applications, and topics of interest include:
- moving horizon estimation formulations
- linear and nonlinear models
- constrained estimation and identification
- use of L1 vs L2 vs Huber penalties
- robust estimation and regularization
- fault and outlier detection
- Kalman smoothing and filtering
- efficient numerical methods
- sparsity exploiting linear algebra
- single shooting vs. multiple shooting vs. collocation
- embedded optimization and code generation
- applications in aerospace, process systems, mechatronics, robotics
- open source and commercial software tools
The workshop will be planned as a two day event (starting late the first day and stopping early the second day to include time for travel), including two lunches and a workshop dinner on the evening between the two days. It will be single track with enough time for discussion after each talk.
Confirmed keynote speakers giving 45 minute talks:
- Lennart Ljung (Linköping): Parameter estimation using smoothing and MPC
- Jim Rawlings (UW Madison): Current status and future challenges of moving horizon state estimation
If you want to participate with a poster or a 25 minute talk, please send a short title and abstract to
Milan Vukov <milan.vukov@esat.kuleuven.be> before April 15.
We will confirm acceptance as a talk or as a poster latest by May 15.
The workshop participation fee is 170 Euro.
Organizing Committee: M. Diehl (chair), Th. Schoen (co-chair), M. Vukov, R. Pintelon, J. Schoukens, J. Swevers, F. Logist, J. Suykens, J. De bruyn.
For more information, please visit the website of the event: http://www.kuleuven.be/optec/mheworkshop2012
The workshop is financially supported by K.U. Leuven's Optimization in Engineering Center OPTEC, the EU FP7 Projects EMBOCON and ITN-SADCO, and the ERC Project HIGHWIND.